So in 2013, she left her 25-year career in branding for the sporting goods industry and became sex tech entrepreneur

So in 2013, she left her 25-year career in branding for the sporting goods industry and became sex tech entrepreneur

So in hopes of challenging that narrative, she launched Unbound, a sex-toy retailer that doubles as a destination for writing from sex workers, sex educators, and company staffers

The story: For a product often considered an integral part of sex, the user experience associated with lube is y Buckalter decided to give the experience a much-needed update after experiencing it firsthand.

“I had entered into menopause, was using a lot more lubricant, and I couldn’t believe [the more] I thought about it how archaic the entire user experience is for the 21st century on a variety of levels,” she says. ادامه مطلب